3 Simple Steps To Reclaim Your Inner Peace
⚡️ Today’s level up ⚡️
I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs in sales, and now, entrepreneurship. And as a natural high-achiever, there is no harsher critic of my own work than me. Today’s edition breaks down three simple steps you can take if you’re like me and you are your own harshest critic.
Let’s go!
Read time: <3 minutes
If you missed last week, read it here.
There is a dark side to ambition — the toll it takes on our mental health.
Like a lot of high-achievers, I hold myself to very high standards.
However, those taxing standards can come at a valuable cost to my mental health. There’s been no better example of this than launching my online business over the past 20 months. When everything feels like a priority, it’s hard to maintain a clear level of focus and harmony.
Earlier in my career, these stressful moments could have spun me downward.
Fortunately, I now have a strong personal operating system in place that I can rely on to get me out of tough situations.
Here are the 3 simple things I do to get back on track when things get chaotic:
Step 1: Stick to my adapted routine
We all know a smooth morning routine sets the stage for a strong day. But what happens when you can’t stick to your normal, ideal routine?
Find time for the “non-negotiables.”
For me, it is meditating for at least 5 minutes, reading one page of The Daily Stoic, and writing something I’m grateful for.
If I can sneak these just these three things into each day, I keep things from unraveling.
What are those key must-do’s for you?
Step 2: Focus on what I can control
It’s easy to get upset at the slightest obstacle when stressed, overworked, and underslept.
When I know I will enter a hectic work period, I set regular prompts using my smartphone’s reminders (3–4 per day) to take a deep breath and ask myself one critical question: “Is this in my control?”
If it’s not, I detach from the emotion and get back to taking one small step in the right direction on a task or project.
How do you maintain proper perspective?
Step 3: Be transparent with important people around me
When I was younger, I used to try to do everything on my own and keep my feelings bottled up.
The problem with this is it erupts into a bigger issue when I least expect it or want it.
I’ve learned to trust others to delegate some of my work, and I need to be hyper-honest with what’s going on internally with the important people around me so I can lean on them for support.
Who are those pillars of support you can rely on?
Today was short and crisp! Hope it helped. See you next week!
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