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What Readers Are Saying
Brandon Fluharty - His newsletter is the best-written newsletter of any I've seen. His digital products are JAM PACKED with value, and they cost pennies for what you get out of it. He also opens up coaching every so often for a handful of lucky clients.

I have to say, I've saved this email for a while, and now that I've read it, this email is worth more than gold.

This was a whooper email, probably your best one to date.

I think this was one of the best messages I read from you so far this year. I think that answers it - turn it into an ebook or course!

Great stuff, Brandon! You're one of the very few that I hit "star" on the email even before reading it, to come back as a must read. Keep it up.

I've followed your writing for years and know your message but when I read this sentence..."I did it by not significantly adding any new sales skills or meeting with more clients but simply taking care of myself and thoughtfully managing my energy and the work I focused." It landed and resonated and gave me chills and made me think 'f*ckin a!' Your writing is getting on point and shows you have been working on your craft.

Brandon – this post is great and the bones of a book/course.

This was one of my favorite newsletters to date. Thank you for sending.